יום שישי, 2 בדצמבר 2011

I do not need your love, your compassion, nor your guidance.
I do not need you.

I didn't to begin with.

Know- I cannot forfeit this; however, I will not abandon you. I will make you see.

Make no mistakes; I have to do this for you, if not for myself;
You need me too, as I am the greatest part of you: The prodigy of your creations! 

Time has come and I will not stand these lies any more.
No longer shall I dwell in the dark. 

New days are coming.
Days that are true and just, and I would rather die unarmed than die as an angelic disciple at your serving. 

Oh, but no one could have predicted! 

I will prove you wrong, if only to show you the path of true righteousness, wisdom and light! 

I shall cut off these wings as a sacrifice; 

I shall burn myself on your conceited alter of corruption; 

I shall tongue the scraps and shattered remains of your once a magnificent kingdom into the bear flesh of my palate, tasting the unbearable disappointment of the father... 

I shall show you no mercy, as you have not shown me yours!
My conscience will not allow me to! 

Oh father, the sun is shining out of my hands as I beg to differ... 

Forever trust me,
Never to be trusted.

תגובה 1:

  1. אהבתי, יכולתי להתחבר למה שכתוב..
